Stay Tuned for Special Announcements from WRC
W5-JEM1 Serial Device Gateway

Automation electronics engineering and manufacturing firm, Western Reserve Controls, Inc., announces  availability of EtherNet/IP to RS-232/485 Modbus with generic ASCII Serial Device Gateway

Akron, OH, March 22nd, 2019 – (WRC) Western Reserve Controls, Inc, a provider of Automation Control Products plus Engineering Design and Manufacturing Services, today announced the launch of its new W5-JEM1 Serial Device Gateway providing a cost-optimized, multi-protocol, solution for RS-232/485 device integration.

With a list price of just USD $327, the W5-JEM1 provides a 40%-60% lower cost solution than competing products for the integration of RS-232/485 Modbus or generic ASCII serial devices into EtherNet/IP automation systems.

Major benefits of the W5-JEM1 include:

  • Supports generic ASCII, Modbus ASCII or Modbus RTU protocols
  • Built-in EtherNet/IP switch for easy, lower cost, daisy-chaining
  • Add on Instructions (AOI) and sample code for Rockwell Automation PLCs
  • 5-year Hardware Warranty
  • WRC Evergreen™ Life Cycle Support Program

Company Vice President, Sales & Marketing, John Weisenberger stated, “Contrary to repeated claims that serial protocols such as Modbus RTU and generic ASCII would cease to be used in industry, they are still alive and well. Today, as Ethernet-based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems accelerate, there’s an increasing requirement to interface existing legacy equipment having serial interfaces with higher-level Operational Technology (OT ) and Information Technology (IT) business networks. To ease the integration challenges imposed by these legacy serial devices, Western Reserve Controls created the W5-JEM1 Serial Device Gateway providing a cost-optimized, multi-protocol, solution for legacy RS-232/485 device integration.”

Available now, complete technical specifications and ordering information can be found at or by contacting your local WRC distributor or sales representative.

About Western Reserve Controls, Inc.

From simple electronic controllers to Internet of Things (IoT) connected I/O, Western Reserve Controls (WRC) has been providing Custom Design & Manufacturing Services, Sustaining and Value Engineering Services and Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Open Control and I/O Products for the Aerospace and Automation industry for over 25 years. Designed and manufactured in the U.S.A., WRC products are used in Factory and Building Automation systems, as well as Tier 2 Aerospace and Industrial control OEM applications. To find out more about what WRC can do for you, please visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Western Reserve Controls, Inc.
1485 Exeter Dr.
Akron, OH 44306
Phone: 330-733-6662